Frame of the movie La Llorona

La Lloronatells the story of Alma, victim of Guatemala’s brutal civil war, who takes revenge on a Guatemala General convicted for genocide. Jayro Bustamente’s third feature film, La Llorona wasnominated for a Golden Globe in the Best Foreign Language Film category, was selected by the National Board of Review as best film in the same category and was shortlisted for an Oscar nomination. 

The film featured as part of the official selection at the Sundance, London, Stolkholm, Tokyo and Toronto festivals and has won multiple awards including the Director’s Awards in the Giornate degli Autori in Venice. It’s general release was cancelled due to the pandemic but it is available to stream in Ireland on Shudder via Amazon prime.

Another frame of the movie

Margarita Kenefic is a Guatemalan actor and playwright, active in political theatre since 1972 and lately in cinema under acclaimed filmmaker Jayro Bustamante. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Dramatic Art, specialized in Dramaturgy, from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. She is the daughter of 1st generation Irish immigrant Graham Kenefic, born in Connecticut to parents from Cork, who married a young Guatemalan woman in the 50s and returned with her to Guatemala. Margarita stars as the general’s wife, Carmen in La Llorona

In this forum, we will discuss her career on stage, her transition to film and the cultural significance of La Llorona which tackles Guatemala’s brutal history of genocide head-on. It is a unique opportunity to gain insight into one of the leading actors in the film, blending Margarita’s colourful life on stage and in the war, with her transition to cinema.

Check the trailer here and Kenefic’s profile here.

Margarita Kenefic in her role at La Llorona


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