LASC and PBI Ireland invite you to join the second LASC Wednesday of the month.

ZEDEs or Employment and Economic Development Zones are industrial economic models located in private cities, with regulations and laws independently of the Honduran Government. The creation of these cities has a relevant social and environmental impact affecting the human rights of the native communities of the country.

What are the Zedes?

During this online webinar, experts on the subject will discuss the risks of the ZEDEs to Honduras national sovereignty.


Beth Giglia, a public anthropologist, focuses on privatisation and accumulation processes in urban and rural settings, tech capitalism, alternative economies, and human rights. She is also a freelance interpreter & translator in the DC area, promotor of language justice, and visual storyteller. She is currently writing on ZEDEs (“startup cities,” “free private cities”) in Honduras and parallel processes around the world. Read more here.

Cristopher Castillo, co-founder and coordinator of ARCAH (Alternativa de reivindicación comunitaria y ambientalista de Honduras). The organisation mission is to defend the territories and natural resources against privatisation projects that threaten indigenous communities and the Honduran people. Read more here.

Rebeca Sandoval, a social activist in Honduras, studied marketing and business. Freelancer in graphic and audio-visual design works as a volunteer at Latin America Solidarity Centre (LASC).

The event will take place via Zoom on Wednesday 23rd of February, at 7 pm (Ireland)
