LASC is a signatory of the Dóchas Code of Conduct on the Use of Images and Messages.

“The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to provide a framework on which organisations can build when designing and implementing their public communications strategy.”

A framework for communications

This Code of Conduct was developed by Dóchas’ (the umbrella organisation for Irish NGOs) members and adapted in 2007. It is being monitored by Dóchas members and the Dóchas Secretariat and supplies a framework for sound and fair communications across the NGO sector in Ireland and beyond. The Code is designed to support NGOs when communicating complex development issues and assist with the day-to-day work of the variety of Irish organisations and their partners, working in long-term development, development education and humanitarian relief.

Implementation of the Code

LASC strives to support the Code’s implementation and to promote it across all members of staff, as well as partners, contractors and the wider NGO sector.

By signing the Code, LASC commits to a set of principles, ensuring that they will avoid stereotypical or sensational images, respect the dignity and equality of all people portrait and promote fairness, solidarity and justice through all their communications.


The Code is an attempt by Irish NGOs to regulate themselves, lead by positive example and therefore impact on the Irish media and other related sectors. It strives to encourage an accurate representation of development issues and the people Irish NGOs work with it in many different countries and contexts, and to facilitate a critical engagement of the Irish public with development issues.

Click here to read the text of the Code of Conduct
Click here to read the Guide to Understanding and Implementing the Code of Conduct on Images and Messages

By signing the Code of Conduct Lasc is undertaken to uphold the main principles of it:

  • Respect for the dignity of the people concerned
  • Belief in the equality of all people
  • Acceptance of the need to promote fairness, solidarity and justice.

LASC’s complaint mechanism for the Code

  • Complaints must be addressed to the Education Coordinator (
  • Complaint must clearly indicate which principle or principles of the Code the complainant feels may have been breached, and why.
  • Complaint must clearly indicate the full name of the complainant (this information will be kept confidential to LASC and anyone involved in the process) and the complaint must clearly indicate the format/medium the complainant feels may have breached the Code (i.e. Website, TV ad, poster, etc) and provide a link, copy or full description of the piece.


  1. Complainant writes to the LASC’s Education Coordinator following the requirements outlined above.
  2. Coordinator sends an acknowledgement of receipt to the complainant.
  3. After consideration, Coordinator responds to complainant.
  • If the complaint is upheld, amendments will be made accordingly.
  • If the complaint is not upheld, the complainant will be given a reason.

If LASC’s response is not deemed satisfactory by the complainant, they may choose to initiate a complaints process through Dóchas. More information on the Dóchas complaint mechanisms can be found here (pdf).

If you need to contact LASC about the Dochas Code of Conduct and Images, please email: