You’ve voted, and we are announcing the winner:
Rita Segato, an Argentine-Brazilian academic, who has been called “one of Latin America’s most celebrated feminist anthropologists” and “one of the most lucid feminist thinkers of this era”. She is primarily known for her research on gender in indigenous villages and Latin American communities, violence against women and the relationships between gender, racism and colonialism. One of her specialist areas is the study of gender violence. Segato is a Professor at UNB – Universidade de Brasília, Federal Disctrict, Brazil.
The book: La guerra contra las mujeres
Las últimas décadas, periodo de neoliberalismo y de giro autoritario de las formas de gobierno, han venido igualmente marcadas por una creciente violencia contra las mujeres. Los asesinatos sistemáticos de Ciudad Juárez se han convertido en un ensayo a escala planetaria, desbordándose allí donde el Estado se ha descompuesto en sus tradicionales funciones soberanas. El capitalismo exacerbado, producto de una modernidad-colonialidad nunca superada, se descarga ahora en las nuevas guerras contra las mujeres, destruyendo la sociedad al tiempo que sus cuerpos. Comprender este nuevo giro violento del patriarcado, que Segato considera acertadamente la primera estructura de dominación en la historia de la humanidad, implica desplazarlo «del borde al centro». De acuerdo con la autora, sólo a partir de una revitalización de la comunidad y de una repolitización de lo doméstico será posible detener el femigenocidio hoy en marcha. Se juega en ello nada menos que el futuro de la humanidad.
In the last few decades, a period of neoliberalism and the authoritarian shift in forms of government have also been marked by increasing violence against women. The systematic murders in Ciudad Juárez have become a worldly test, spilling over where the state has broken down in its traditional sovereign functions. Exacerbated capitalism, the product of modern coloniality that has never been overcome, is now unloaded in new wars against women, destroying society and their bodies. Understanding this recent patriarchal violence, which Segato rightly considers the first structure of domination in human history, implies moving it “from the edge to the centre”. According to the author, only through revitalising the community and re-politicising the domestic will it be possible to stop the femicide currently underway. Nothing less than the future of humanity is at stake.
The “LASC Reading Group” meeting will be announced in due course.
Start your reading and enjoy!